Op-Ed: Public Inquiry into foreign interference in elections should target Big Oil
Policy Options
September 19, 2023
What can Canada learn from U.S. initiatives to ban foreign political interventions by powerful non-state actors like foreign-influenced corporations?
Read the my Toronto Star Op-Ed below:
Op-Ed: Foreign-influenced corporations must stop meddling in domestic affairs
Toronto Star
July 5, 2023
Op-Ed: Any probe of foreign political meddling should include Big Oil
Edmonton Journal
March 30, 2023
Op-Ed: Big Foriegn Oil should be banned from election spending in Canada
Toronto Star
December 8, 2021
Listen to A Lively Interview WITH Progress Alberta with Duncan kinney and Gordon Laxer - 16 Dec 2021
Op-Ed: Canada must support Alberta, Saskatchewan wean itself off oil and gas production
Toronto Star
April 26, 2021
My hopeful op ed in the Toronto Star (Sep 13, 2020):
Muskoka’s image is that of the playground of the super-rich. Yet it has the 2nd lowest, per-capita income in Ontario. The op ed was written for permanent residents of Muskoka and those who want to visit it with a low environmental footprint. It has universal application for ways to connect big cities to nearby rural centres.
Read Gordon Laxer's Op-Ed: Death of NAFTA Restores Energy Sovereignty - For Now
Toronto Star, January 6, 2020
Read Gordon Laxer's Op-Ed: Best way to forge unity is to get Canada to post-carbon future - Click Here!
Vancouver Sun, November 5, 2019
June 3, 2019 - Watch the Billion Dollar Buyout Video below

Naomi Klein talks energy transition with Gordon Laxer (May 16th, 2016)
Gordon Laxer - Act or be Acted Upon - The Case for Phasing Out Alberta's Sands (2 Part video)
2015 - 2016
[Video] A Just Energy Transition: A Winnipeg Community Forum with Gordon Laxer, June 2, 2016 - Sponsored by Transition Winnipeg, Manitoba Energy Justice Coaltion, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
[Op-Ed] Can the Liberal government meet all of Canada's climate change promises?(David Hughes and Gordon Laxer, Edmonton Journal, March 3, 2016)
[Book Review] After the Sands "A blueprint for Canada's Energy Policy" (Dr. John Ryan, Canadian Dimension, January 2016)
[Op-Ed] Energy East would facilitate oilsands expansion, and that's bad for climate change (Gordon Laxer, Montreal Gazette, January 2016)
[Op-Ed] Canada remains part of the problem, not solution (Roger Annis, Counterpunch, January 2016)
[Book Review] After the Sands: Energy and Ecological Security for Canadians (Matthew Behrens, Quill & Quire, December 2015)
[Video] Gordon Laxer on Canada's Energy Security on Novus TV (Oct 2015)
[Radio] Alberta@noon (Monday October 26, 2015)
[Video Transcript only] New Democratic Party Ends 43 Year Conservative Domination in Alberta (Gordon Laxer, The Real News Network, May 2015)
[Op-Ed] Alberta Fossil Fuel Belt or Green Power House (Gordon Laxer, Parkland Institute, 2015)
[Op-Ed] Alberta's plan guts efforts to cut greenhouse gases (Gordon Laxer, Winnipeg Free Press, December 10, 2015)
[Op-Ed] It's time to quit the boom-bust roller coaster (Gordon Laxer, Globe and Mail, November 20, 2015)
[Op-Ed] Premiers blowing hot air on climate change (Gordon Laxer, Edmonton Journal, July 22, 2015)
[Op-Ed] Plan for a low-carbon Alberta (Gordon Laxer, Edmonton Journal, January 31, 2015)
[Op-Ed - Low Carbon future] Left split over Alberta oilsands (Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star, 2014)
[Op-Ed - Exiting NAFTA?] KDNK interview (Gordon Laxer, Valley Voices, 2014)
[Op-Ed] It's time to nationalize the tar sands (Martin Lukacs,The Tyee, 2014)
[Op-Ed - Pipelines] Pipelines won’t solve our problems (Gordon Laxer, Edmonton Journal, 2013)
[Op-Ed - Energy security for Canadians] Time to put the pieces in place (Elizabeth May, Policy Magazine, 2013)
[Speech - Parkland Institute] Farewell to Parkland Speech PDF (Gordon Laxer, 2012)
[Video - Low Carbon future] Dutch Disease Debate (Gordon Laxer, Parkland Institute, 2012)
[Op-Ed - Pipelines] All-party consensus forming (Council of Canadians, 2012)
[Op-Ed - National Energy Strategy] What in tar-nation? (Gordon Laxer, Toronto Star, 2011)
[Course Outline - Low Carbon future] Transitioning off fossil fuels (Gordon Laxer, University of Alberta, 2011)
[Op-Ed] National Energy Strategy a Fraud (Gordon Laxer, Toronto Star, 2011)
[Video] Power down to a post-carbon future (Philosopher's Cafe)
[Video] Climate Change Conference (Green Party of Canada)
[Op-Ed - Low Carbon future] Yesterday’s fuel, yesterday's deal (Gordon Laxer, Globe and Mail, 2009)
[Op-Ed - En français] Le Canada, «colonie énergétique» des États-Unis (Louis-Gilles Francoeur, Le Devoir, 2008)
[Op-Ed - Energy security for Canadians] "It's Not Nice to Let Eastern Canadians Freeze in the Dark" (Gordon Laxer, Globe and Mail, 2008)
[Op-Ed - NAFTA & mandatory proportional exporting] Bitten by the deal that once fed us (Gordon Laxer, Globe and Mail, 2008)
[Transcript - Energy security for Canadians] The End of Fossil Fuels? An NDP Forum on Mitigating the Fossil Fuel Decline in Canada PDF (Gordon Laxer, 2008)
[Op-Ed - National Energy Strategy] Canada’s Energy Insecurity (Gordon Laxer, Toronto Star, 2007)
[Op-Ed/Transcript - Energy security for Canadians] Mps storm out of meeting on energy (Kelly Patterson, Ottawa Citizen, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, 2007)
[Speech Transcript] On the Occasion of Receiving the Alberta Teachers Association Award (Edmonton, 2007)
[Video] Pan-Canadian Day of Action (Parkland Institute, 2007)
[Article - National Energy Strategy] Fueling Fortress America (Co-authored by Tony Clarke, Bruce Campbell, and Gordon Laxer, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2006)
[Op-Ed - National Energy Strategy] Canada-first Energy Strategy needed (Gordon Laxer, Edmonton Journal, 2006)
[Op-Ed - NAFTA & mandatory proportional exporting] Co-authored by Diana Gibson. Gassy elephant in our living room (Gordon Laxer, Globe and Mail, 2006) *Note: the ariticle is behind the Globe and Mail's paywall
[Magazine - Parkland Institute] The Parkland Institute: Alberta’s Unofficial Opposition (Kristine Owram, Canadian Dimension, 2004)
[Speech - Suppression of Democracy] The Criminalisation of Dissent and Fortress North America PDF (Gordon Laxer, 2001)